‘Those who cannot change their
minds cannot change anything.’ – George Bernard Shaw.
If you are businessman, or inventor of anything your own ideas into reality you just need to ‘Pin’ the above line in your mind as well in your heart for long term perspective. It will be better for your business niche.
everyone knows about it. Especially, who required to deals with software
Laravel is a framework, developing in PHP language. Is it comes into picture
with aim of to present cool, sophisticated web-apps to the users / customers.
the Laravel announced their latest version that is ‘Laravel 5.2’.
Let me come directly to the point.
What is new in Laravel 5.2?
what new things provided by Laravel 5.2?
How it is better than older version?
what is the reason behind updating?
How it will be advantages?
Whom it will be advantages?
What are the general features of Laravel?
What is new in Laravel 5.2?
what new things provided by Laravel 5.2?
Artisan Scheduler:
The ‘artisan scheduler’ is an interface; build in PHP included with Laravel. The scheduler is help to append output from scheduled tasks to a file.
For e.g.:
$schedule->command (‘emails: send’)
-> hourly ()
-> appendOutputTo ($filePath);
Note: If you want
know further more about the artisan scheduler visit this link:
Collections wildcards:
The collections of wildcards are amazing feature during routing sub-domains. It will route and assigned to the specific parameters.
But, the array of routed wildcards is running out till not get the match with the external URIs.
For e.g.:
$route [‘item: /num’] = ‘category/item_lookup’;
Note: above example will return all items for specific
The noticeable update is to collect the data from
sub-domain routers, the ‘*’ sign is able to use as wildcard so now in Laravel 5.2 no requirement to defining the wildcard function.
Database session driver:
Simply,just the main task of database session driver is that clear all sessions of specific users.
Generally, the sessions are store as temporary cached files or in temporary database, which is basically store users information that is
Once the agenda should be fulfilling, the session will automatic destroyed. And another reason of destroying is either hardware or software failure by any
Here, the Laravel have a variety of session back-ends available to clean and unified APIs.
Eloquent global scope:
In Laravel 5.2 just need to use ‘apply’ method globally as query scopes only when require you to implement a single and simple method.
Form array validation:
Laravel 5.2 comes with strong form validations, it will take cares from the form creation request to adjust authentication, apply custom validations, specify the validate messages etc…
Implicit model binding:
The implicit model binding will work with automotive binds a model to the route.
For e.g.:
(‘/api/posts/ {post}’, function (Post $post))
$post ;});
Whatever the
function ‘Post’ results either ‘find route’ or ‘fail to find route’ it will
return automatically to the $post variable.
This is the most
new feature comes from Laravel 5.2 with the aim of help to remove manually
route binding.
Middleware groups:
Actually, the ‘middleware groups’ are works sometime harmfully while routing the data.
provide ‘CSRF token’ while the data is being work with the ‘Middleware groups’
to share APIs resources. The CSRF is provide protection layer to your
authenticate and confidential data.
ultimately the CSRF will rescue your data from the unauthenticated users while
you are knowingly or unknowingly working with the ‘middleware groups’ like web
UI and API within the same application.
Multiple authentication drivers:
‘Multiple authentication drivers’ tag is just enough to justify the meaning of its existence.
5.2 defines multiple authentic table models or authenticates user tables which
control user’s authentication process separately from each other.
For e.g.:
You have a single database with multiple tables; from all one is assign to ‘admin users’ and another is assign to ‘common users’.
You have a single database with multiple tables; from all one is assign to ‘admin users’ and another is assign to ‘common users’.
in Laravel
5.2 you can apply ‘Auth’ methods to authenticate each table
separately, by giving unique identification key.
Authentication scaffolding:
It may happen that some of you know that this feature is derives from Laravel 5.1. But, in the Laravel 5.2 this feature is upgraded.
upgraded ‘authentication scaffolding’ is now work with the bootstrap supporting
front-end framework.
‘php artisan make:
command is work when the need of check authentication, new registration and reset
passwords request. It will auto create a base set of view files for these task.
as I said this is the upgraded feature, so it will work successively with new
applications only, not well working with the already exists applications. You
may not be able to upgrade this feature in old version supported applications.
Rate limiting middleware:
The rate limiting middleware is a tool which is used in some APIs to check the limits of individual requester’s request rate to access APIs.
smart phone is full of APIs; some APIs need to be confidential like your social
account and personal mailing account. To secure this type of APIs you may try
to set password
to lock and giving n authentication rights.
someone else who doesn’t know your pin or password and try to access your
locked APIs by entering random pins, after 3 tries the APIs is block for
that stranger for some couple of time. Only you can open it by entering true password.
the rate limiting middleware is also giving a security to your APIs.
the most beautiful thing is that now onwards from Laravel 5.2 the rate limiter
middleware is embedded.
2) How it is better
than older version? Or what are the
reasons behind updating?
above line is perfectly matched its concern over here, we all know that the
Laravel 5.2 is most upgraded version. But, you should know about the reason of
earlier version Laravel 5.1 is good but, need of improvement is require to give
better services to the users.
me define comparison of Laravel 5.1 and Laravel 5.2:
Laravel 5.1:
Laravel 5.2:
Auth Method:
Authentication Scaffolding:
Manage back-end
Manage front-end
Array Validation:
Bit difficult.
Much easier.
Global Eloquent Scopes:
Implementation is
Complicated and derives errors.
Easy to implement
by method: apply and error free results.
To new creation
of APIs and project as well can upgraded already exists with earlier
Only new created
APIs or projects with Laravel 5.2. Not support to upgrade Laravel 5.1 and
earlier versions.
Thus, these are the
reasons why requirement is arise of Laravel 5.2. The Laravel 5.2 is provided
some latest and useful features except the supportive matter. Other than this,
the Laravel 5.2 is far better for delivering speed of service almost 25% faster
than Laravel 5.1. Such, this is the coolest feature of Laravel 5.2.
3) How it will be
advantages? Or How it preferable to
use? Or what are the reasons to use
the Laravel 5.2?
The Laravel 5.2 features itself known as advantages of Laravel 5.2 which I already elaborate in first question there is some advantages are going to be crazy to use Laravel 5.2 framework.
most useful advantage is that is now multiple
authentications will drive smoothly within a single application.
that another great advantage is that the Laravel 5.2 is supports native MySQL JSON column types. Isn’t it
cool? Offcourse it is, because; every developer can easy going through the
MySQL and JSON queries since long term as they are basic form of any damn APIs.
these are the advantages serves by Laravel 5.2.
4) Whom it will be
advantages / useful?
Definitely, any invention is useful to both developers and users as well. And, especially the programming stuffs.
Laravel 5.2 is also good for both developers and users. But, moreover is better
for the developers.
Qualities with
developer’s perspective:
- Developer friendly environment.
- Easy to explain and implement methods, functions, classes etc…
- Easy to deal with objects.
- Consistent coding style.
- Database seeding is helpful to test dummy data.
Qualities with user’s
- Easy to access.
- Secure access.
- Easy to understand.
- Easy to follow.
- Easy to use.
5) What are the
general features of Laravel? Or what
are the fundamental qualities provided by Laravel?
General Features:
- Authentication: Basic authentication system is pre-defined in every new installation of Laravel.
- Auto-Pagination: One of the most useful features when building new web-services or APIs.
- Blade: Rich template engine.
- Elixir: Wrapper for automotive class.
- Laracasts: Laravel video tutorials.
- Migration: Useful for database schema.
- ORM: Object relational mapping.
at the end I just hope that you will get the deep ideology about the Laravel
5.2, that the features what they provides are much better than older version.
killer features are only the reasons for developer’s first choice of PHP
framework that is Laravel.
this is not the end of improvement process by Laravel 5.2, infect; the Laravel
team still working on your dreams.
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