Thursday, 21 January 2016

Mobiles that effects every business, now it's everything!

After great success of business on mobile, everyone is shifting from web to mobile to get more exposure and sales. I fill privileged to share something tremendous information with you techno peoples it’s about the ‘Mobiles’.

Now a day almost 95% people having their own smart phones. Like, “Entire world is in the small palm.”

Such mobiles are great inventions to utilize the need of leaving and dealing with the respective businesses.

Everyone knows about Google is a most impactful search engine among all other in SEO terms. Let’s see some Mobile oriented facts.

Mobile First:

What is mobile first?

‘Mobile first’ is one of the trends to use for interaction between vendor and customers. In fact, it is known as a code writing strategy also. It is mobile first.css file which especially used for the designing purpose.

The “Mobile First” file is invented by Google, so this product is basically arrived from Google; from their dedicated developers who are ready to provide all the respective, responsive mobile applications to your smart device were user can get their app’s layout on demo of mobile device. Just like a simulation of mobile application with the use of Mobile First trend.

What they provide? / Features.
  • Geographically suitable: use anywhere, anytime.
  • Easy to operate (inbuilt help guide provided).
  • Comparatively faster access than desktop.
  • Allow to website view on mobile as responsive layout.
  • Navigational functionality well managed.

How it works?

Mobiles are work with wireless markup language. Also, they are working with responsive JavaScript libraries with support of required HTML, CSS and jQuery files.

Conclusion of these:

It is most optimize code are being used to deliver the qualitative output to the device users. In short, the ‘Mobile First’ is comes into picture with the aim of representing the well maintain mobile application layout on Mobile device.

Multi-Screen World:

What is multi-screen world?

The name introduce itself its motive that it is supporting to the multi-device screens. I think you readers got the basic idea what I am trying to say? The website or web-applications support to respective resolutions and as per each device resolution size are differ even-though the web-apps are responsive and will feet & match to the device resolution size.

How it works?

The multi-screen term works for the perfect layout on a particular device. As we all know that the mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops all are having different sizes so but naturally, they all having different resolution screens.

And to represent the web-application’s layout may appear dynamically, and set to the each respective device, you should use the ‘responsive-tag’ or ‘responsive-function’ or ‘responsive-library’ because this is depends on the operating system support.

What they provide? / Features.
  • Responsive layout.
  • Help to accomplish of business goals.
  • Secure data interaction.
  • Easy to access accounts on multiple devices at the same time.
  • Flexibility exists.
  • Quicker result.

  • Online booking, shopping, banking, entertainment, social media sites are use the multi-screen.
  • Another example, user uses their Social account like FB on a mobile device, without ‘logout’ from there they can access the same account from laptop or desktop which have internet connection at the same moment.

Conclusion of these:

The multi-screen resolution is need to be set when the web-site and web-applications are going to be launched as online website or web-apps, were the website and web-apps data going to be store in cloud server or external server.

Generally, used when need to develop large and socialize website or web-apps, for users betterment to use efficiently and effectively from anywhere, anytime, by any device.

Mobile Trends :

What is mobile trend?

Mobile trends are works as strategies, for marketing, banking, e – commerce, m – commerce and other factors. To do a specific business online, first you need to set the respective goals and follow your work-plan to achieve that as a milestone with willingness attitude and aptitude towards your strategies or trends.

Generally, the trends are strategic plan for your better accomplishment. And, as the time goes, the strategy also going to be update or recreate or changed, here you just need to walk with tech - generation.

What are mobile trends in 2016?

Note: There are number of trends but mainly are marketing and payment trends.

Let’s have looked one by one all the mobile trends in deep:
  • Instagram ads: this is a one of the social media trend, which is come-up with the aim of more targeting capabilities, more opportunities to drive impactful outputs, and more accessibility.
  • Mobile payments: this is a one of the commercial trend, which is come-up with the mobile banking, m-commerce cases.
  • Mobile Native advertising: this is a one of the business trend, were the advertisements or marketing can be done to gain organic and relevant traffic, by rebuilding the loyalty between customer and vendors or advertisers.

  • Advertise may popup while playing games, or use other applications, that are mobile native advertising, which is relevantly occurred to the mobile screen.
  • Customized & dedicated information and ads: this is giving a personal trend, as most customize trend it was. And, work like a virtual assistant.

How they work?

The mobile trends are work on cross platform tools. They are working with numbers of application with the less optimization. It is only the minor drawback might be.

But, they work with the customization which can help to increasing user experience. Also, work with the automation functionality.

What they provide? / Features.
  • Faster mobile app development.
  • Auto - integration with social media.
  • User can get the real result instead of virtual result.
  • Greater emphasis on user experience & app analysis.
  • Strong app – security for better enhancement.
  • Integration with cloud technology.

Conclusion of these:

The ‘Mobile Trends’ are plays a very important role to describe the different strategies along with the requirement of extra care to apply strategies, because one wrong step did by mistake can convert your aim of business-marketing, banking or payment anything. And, all mobile trends factors are necessary as per the requirement arise they help a lot.

Greatest Fear at the time of advertisement on mobiles:

What fear is their?

We all know that the Google web-browser have only the highest usage data among others. Eventhough Google faces the some losses. And that lose is become Google’s fear.

What is the reason?

Actually, at the time of collaboration with AdWords who do campaigning for your advertisement, which is for personal and specific bidding of relevant advertisement. And, that time the AdWords is preventing that advertisers are do advertise separately on multi-screen devices.

The Google trusted on it, but the AdWords fail to prove their loyalty to the Google analysts. And, the Google got suffer from long-term CPC losses.

Not only these, but AdWords says that, mobile and desktop advertise should pay differ for better to the advertisers.

But… but… but, the platform mix mechanism got confused and serve misleading output from the cloud server and they serve bad result which is going to be not impactful. And they got big losses.

What is the solution?

For the temper solution Google decides unwillingness that same rates should pay by multi-screen users for advertisement.

And further, as solution of these matter, the latest SEO strategies are come into picture and applied appropriately when& were its requirement arise. This is to get better result and resolved the problem.

Conclusion of these:

“Try & try again you will succeed one day!” is become true here, Google AdWords, are continues try to sort out this matter from long time, at the end they rebuild the SEO strategies to better enhancement of advertisement. And, they hosted relevant advertising database to the cloud server.

Now, advertisement and its related information will fetch out from the cloud server without misleading or confused data.

Why this matters for search:

What mobile matters?

Obviously, the mobile matters a lot for search, as mobile user’s strength are increasing day by day. And mobiles are offers the same quality which desktop provided.

Actually, the mobiles are better than desktop use, as they provide some extraordinary features than desktop; they provide flexibility to utilize the device functionality.

How mobile search works?

Most, latest mobiles are designs as touch – screen device, so they are also known as smart-phone device. The smart-phones are internet supported, and now the mobile sim-card companies are offering the 3G, 4G, and higher speed provided for search.

The mobile search represents the CTRs pages instead of SERPs pages, just a screen size and resolution is differ, other than all works same, the relevant pages occur on home-screen with the specific targeted links by appropriate keywords.

What they provide? / Features.
  • Device friendly search.
  • Faster search.
  • Geographically, utilization.
  • Search from anywhere, anytime.
  • Responsive search supported.
  • Secure search result.

Conclusion of these:

Such, Mobile search is enough good as compare to desktop search. But, the number of CTRs data are less compare to SERPs data. So, generally it is giving bit relative result to either ads or organic.

Entire Conclusion:

At the end I just conclude with my opinion – The mobiles are great device to enhancement the world, and utilize the freedom of customized use of mobile device. If I pick especially the SERP, the SERPs are representing in a form of fragmentations or sessions. So, the speed of execution of search query will go faster than desktop SERPs. But, you just need care of your Internet connection data transfer speed. Because, it is matters a lot.

More feature-able thing is the SERP is also invented by the Google. It is basically an algorithm which works on the mobile search as well as desktop search. But, now a day the majority users fire the mobile search for their respective queries as mobiles are flexible and access it anywhere, anytime.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Make your web-apps more robust with Angular.JS in 2016

Angular.js is vastly used for website and web-application development now days.

Do you think ever as a developer, Why Angular.js is doing work sincerely? Why developer chooses Angular.js? What was the reason to use Angular.js?

One of the very well known proverbs says that “First impression is the last impression.”

Same as, N user will see first to catch the layout of your website or web-application.

How it Looks like?, Attractive or not?, Navigational or not?, Responsive or not?

Actually, the Angular.js is a JavaScript based application or you can say it is software also. This is mainly used to develop custom, responsive, feasible website or web-applications in short dynamic web-applications.

Angular.js is expressing the main functionality with the ease of elaborating. So, stranger can also understand easily, as it is in readable format so it is drive by secure way to the destination.

Let’s see How Angular.js performance is impactful?
  • The Angular.js is now as a stable API or framework to develop dynamic web-apps.

  • It is nicely integrated with other files like CSS, HTML, jQuery which are plays most important role to design dynamic web-apps with the Angular.js.

  • Angular.js is two-way binding, were static and dynamic both data binding can be accessible. It’s tying together the UI and the Model object, by applying respective queries, methods, and functions.

  • Angular.js can remove dependency by providing injection manager.

  • Angular.js is doing cross – module communication, and this is good to interact with any framework at the time of specific requirement.

  • Angular.js is presenting Single Page Application with the nest-able alias function.

And as the performance wise, the Angular.js extra-ordinary servicer, that is work on two-way binding, therefore data manipulation of larger applications can be easily bounded with each another. In fact, the Angular.js is working with MVC architecture, so Model, View, Object architecture is quite good then all other in terms of speed. Some fantastic functions of Angular.js and its impactful performance:

  • Use bind: this is for identify to one-time binding by stable object to digest the earlier value, and after removing set the new bounded value. At that time the old watcher will be filter-zed. By this, normal binding can to with easily.
  • $watch_Collection: this function is used with its 3rd parameter that is true or false, which is giving binary result of the task. Combination of value, function and binary result make applications faster.

  • $ng-if: it does remove the elements from DOM, which are occupying unnecessary space, but it will re-create when its requirement is arise. This function is good to save memory as memory booster.

  • console.time: it is a console API to solve debugging issue or do re-factoring the data at the time of requirement. Wow, it is cool for developers to develop smooth applications! And, what should to avoid to improve Angular.js performance?

  • Watchers: when you feel that your Angular.js is working very slowly, there were basically two reasons behind this, either your application having too many watchers, or those watchers which are behave harder to your applications, I suggest you avoid this type of extra watchers.

  • $ng-repeat: this function is meaningful were the application is larger or lot many nested pages are there, but if your application is too small, at that time the ng-repeat should avoid due to is increasing the execution time, and after that all other further process going to slow-down.

  • $watch: only value and function are as parameter which not displaying the perfect result in a binary data. You need check separately otherwise just avoid the $watch function and use $watch_Collection to check every property of the application deeply.

  • $ng-show: it is as a toggles of elements were on/off requirement, at that time render value generated for that element, to hide it they use “Display: none” function. But, usually you should avoid this function and use ng-if as per survey the ng-if is 95% better than ng-show.

Thus, the things are should be avoided to present your applications superbly as first impression is always best because it may help for your applications betterment.


At the end I just want to share that the Angular.js is applications to develop modern web – applications. As everything having a two faces here Angular.js also have two faces.

There are bunch of functions, and from that some functions must be used for your better accomplishment and some functions must not to use, which are not able to remove inconsistency.

The functions are mostly useful for front-end developers, which mainly serves the featured-full mechanism to ease of development.

I can say that, the Angular.js framework is good enough to serve qualitative web-applications and backend by Google support. That’s why the app-developer mostly chooses the Angular.js framework to present their apps superbly.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Why phpfox is splendid performer?

Young youth’s favorite task is social networking as they are loved to be active on social networking sites.
    For what?
All have personal different reasons to active on the social networking sites. Right?

What can be reasons?
  • Like to be socialize.
  • Like to keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Like to share knowledgeable qualitative things.
  • Like to share business motive.
  • Like to cover up market for gaining productive traffic towards your community, interest, or business.

Reasons can be anything, but the matter is; which is the best social networking sites to elaborate your motive?

Yeah, usually the social networking sits are open-source for some of task like chatting, games, applications, maintain your profile account etc…but, if you want to do marketing via social media networking sites some are free and some take charges to spread your market area.

Don’t be upset there is alternative solution is “Custom Social Network” especially for whom want to do marketing via social media.

And for the “Custom Social Network” the “phpfox” is best platform for your own social networking. It is providing everything related to social media.

What phpfox provided?

Phpfox is php based social networking script to develop custom social networking website or web-applications.

Generally, the FB and other social network whatever provided phpfox is providing same all the things.

Then defiantly question is arises that “what is the need of phpfox?” Right?

Actually, think a case you are owner of the leading organization or social network usage is required to use for brand share or info share internally, at that time if you have your own social network, for your personal organization usage.

Sharing will be get faster and organic traffic towards your brand, business, community and all.

The other thing is if you are interested any category you can create your user over similar interest also.

What thing should be customize using phpfox?

Again, I am just saying it is all about the object oriented, and for each requirement the output is different.

By giving the terminology of customization is the best thing of phpfox, with that, phpfox is providing the strong security also, cool AdminCP app manager, client side customize managerial settings.

What quality by phpfox for web development?
  • Customized web-apps.
  • Faster execution.
  • Easy to understand.
  • Easy to implement.
  • Auto-refreshment of main page.
  • Unique coding style.
  • Quest request and response.
  • Barrier-free.

Phpfox having two sub-divided things like Nebula and Neutron. They both are especially for themes and add-ons. Add-ons are as supportive to providing delicate web-apps of phpfox.

Also, provides:
  • Built-in other features like group, polls, and boards.
  • Comprehension social network.
  • Most feasible CMS to deliver.
  • Client side editor for customization and responsive social network.
  • Provide extensive branding and marketing options.
  • Even user can build their own strategy for their own social network.

Almost, every huge company and organization is using the ‘phpfox’ for their custom social networking web app development. Such, the phpfox is like multi-functionality provided, and for that it is a great performer for the web-app developer.

Thus, the phpfox is ultimate or splendid performer, for most customize unique and responsive web app development.