Sunday, 29 November 2015

PHPFox releases the new fruitful version v4.1.0

PHPFox is social script networking platform, as days goes the new approaches will arrive to the social media. Every social network provider should upgrade itself. But, the PHPfox is much quicker for this matter.

To walk with the advance approaches of social network, PHPFox is always ready to upgrade itself with the launching of new versions as soon as they know the upgrading is required.

Here, the advance version of PHPFox v4.1.0 is comes to the picture with advance features.

Let’s have look on the advance features:

As the v4 is Neutron version of PHPFox. And the v4.1.0 is latest upgraded sub-version of PHPFox for better community website development.

The features are:

  • Auto – refresh function.
  • Custom drift allow for the cover photo of user’s profile.
  • Advance coding style.
  • Fresh dashboard when occur the requirement.
  • Latest default theme.
  • Quickest response.
  • And many more…
Wow, all features are fantastic for developers, now developer can prove their best skills easily to serve amazing social network.

With this version the PHPFox is used the Bootstrap framework for quality serving purpose, the additional plus point is that the Bootstrap is faster even though they have existing database for numbers of themes. 

PHPFox is one of the rapidly amazed social networks with this release it is also work on the future enhancement for the version v4.1.1 where the theming system will be improved for better accomplishment of brand, business and community. And, with that, the other required changing thing is that the PHPFox will be closing soon their public GitHub services to improve their primary grade controls.

Such, the PHPFox is the greatest social network platform to deliver the extreme social network services to the users. 

At Kensvalley, our developers will help client to upgrade their PHPfox version with latest one.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Android Studio 2.0 with new Instant Run Feature by Google

As we all knows that current generation is known as the “Mobile Generation”. And the smart phones grew rapidly in the market; the IDC said: “Almost 82.8% market shares the Android Platform only”.

So, it will be fair to us that the android application usage is widely over the world. And the android application developer use the IDEs to develop better android application.

The best Integrated Development Environment is the Android Studio versions.”

The Android Studio delivers the better and friendly platform where application developer can design and develop the fantastic and useful android mobile applications.

Recently the Google group releases the Android Studio 2.0 version. And the product manager of Android Studio “Stephanie Cuthbertson” said; “the android developer team wanted to build the developer satisfied platform.” 

Wow, only the news that proves the Google Group always taking care of developers for better web-application niche presents towards end users.

Let’s see one of the basic stuffs that what is the base of Android Studio?

Android Studio is based on the IntelliJIDEA and jetBrains software and, it is comes into picture specifically for Android Development; with that the Android Studio is freely available under the Apache License 2.0, which offers the impressive features to developers.

The system requirement for Android Studio is basically like… minimum 2GB RAM, & recommended 4GB Ram, JDK 7 or higher, OSs like; Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

And the features provided by Android Studio are: - 

  • Cross-platform and Live coding editor (WYSIWYG).
  • Real – time Rendering and Template based wizards.
  • Allow to do optimized translate.
  • Transparency for usability & its compatibility.
  • Multi – screen configuration provided.
  • UI components for ease.
  • Gradle – based build support.
  • Android – specific refactoring and quick fixes.
  • Pro-Guard integration and app – signing capabilities.
  • And many more…

This all features are normally provided in all the version of Android Studio from the very first.
As versions are releases with that the quality of work per version also be improved and ready give you good result every time. 

As read the features above wanted to know that how the web – applications will be builds & ran successfully? 

Just go thrown the below steps:

  • Steps to build application & run application:

  • S1:     select “Make Project” or .apk file.
  • S2:    use the “Build” menu, for application distribution.
  • S3:    debug version of your application on an emulator.
  • S4:    create and run configuration, now in AS 2.0 the “Instant run”.
  • S5:    automatic and manual target modes on AVDs.
  • S6:    app will be ready to run on emulator.
  • S7:    now, app should be run on physical device.

The android app developers are knowingly well the above steps, because for every application above steps must be follow to get successive application at the end.

Aha, it’s going to be simpler for developer, Nice! Now want to move on the new stuffs which covered by AS 2.0: -

  • The new IDE is serving the delightful and amazing stabled version of Android Studio 2.0.
  • The As 2.0 delivers the Quick speed almost 2x to 2.5x then the previous releases.
  • Introduce advance Emulator for developer ease.
  • Introducing the “Instant Run” Feature.
  • It will help to grew performance by the flagships releases step by step.
  • Developer can configure custom Android Ecosystem to test applications.
  • Easy to trigger typical actions
  • Developer can easily emulate the different network conditions and GPS also.
  • Free screen sizes offers.
  • Allow to use standard Google Play Services.
  • Provide GPU profiler to develop games and graphics.
  • And many more…

So, thus are the new stuffs of the AS 2.0 or we can say that the features of Android Studio 2.0.


At the end, We wanted to say that the use the advance Android Studio 2.0 for your better accomplishment of work of android applications and get the tremendous output.

In fact, the Google is also tracking their eyes on “app indexing”, to retrieve the content from applications and sent it to its search engine. By doing this, it will made an help to “Search team” and the result will be enable as feature in new applications. 

So, the Google is provided the upgraded and already existing entire system in this new version of Android Studio 2.0 to serve qualitative application’s layout.

The Android Studio is very useful for developers, they put their best efforts to deliver the fully – featured applications to end users. Just; remaining to do upgrading your Android studio into latest version of Android Studio 2.0 and fill the flexibility, of features by “Instant Run”.

How Flexible and robust is CodeIgniter for web app development!

Generally, who belongs to IT World they know about the “CodeIgniter”. It is an open-source, rapid web application development framework, to build dynamic websites with PHP platforms.

Actually, the numbers of PHP frameworks are available in the market now a day, but the CodeIgniter is bit expeditious then others. Let's have look all those popular frameworks

According the study, the relative ratio of usage of CodeIgniter compare to Zend Framework and CakePHP Framework. You can judge the fair and existing result easily that CodeIgniter lead player :).

Not only this, but the CodeIgniter provides much measurable things also.

As CodeIgniter follow the MVC architecture, it should follow some doctrine to deliver the ease and flexibilities towards to users.

Let’s have look on the snazzy stuffs of CI for what it provided?

  • The MVC architecture.
  • Fully customize and abstract database.
  • Output displays with view.
  • Expressive code.
  • Inbuilt security mechanism.
  • No need of PEAR packages for installation the CI.
  • Built in regular libraries. 
  • And many more…
Really, delivered the easy and astounding things it was!

Very basically, I want to introduce; The Ellislab who contrived the CodeIgniter framework for develop better PHP based web-applications. Where the small footprint existed, serving elegance and simplicity to developers for their ease, provide full - featured toolkit.

The other measurable features are:

  • To deliver supreme flexibility purpose.  
  • Delivered straight – forward screen for coding.
  •  Create once, publish everywhere.
  • Allow to customize your add – ons.
  • Qualitative CMS.
  • Unlimited possibilities serve for better output.
  • Efficiency and Excellencies serve effectively.  
  • And many more… 
See, in the above graph out of 21 different frameworks almost; 98.58% developers are contented with the CodeIgniter framework and with the other ‘8’ frameworks respectively from which are having value with the ‘100’.

CodeIgniter fundamental stuffs:

CodeIgniter is most simple framework; it behaves like friendly to streamline the code cardinal to your webpages. CodeIgniter helps to make impulsive and synergistic websites mainly.

In short, you can make fully interactive, professional, and custom websites or web – applications in no time.

Normal coding rules are not required even though the CodeIgniter provide standardized hosting accounts, and easy configuration. Just make sure that its compatibility is provisionally provided with the very basic stuffs.

Only the CodeIgniter is illustrated the straightforward solutions. And give the top to bottom services to get users positive gratification.

CodeIgniter is built in linear or easy to use folder structure. It may help to create most easy factor for developers ease.

Where the other side of coin the other frameworks are also provided the same functionalities; but, the variety of delivering strategies.

What are the advantages serves by CodeIgniter?
  • Easy Migration from server to server hosting and server to client hosting respectively.
  • Also, easy to acquire and dispense periodically or stereotypical at the time of users do the customization.
  • The new functionality of application is work on that one can apply without affecting the customization at all. 
  • Tractability of web applications or websites also comes in picture. 
  • Also, provides easier configuration and customization of config files.
  • Reducing the tough work of code management, because developers have unique style of coding as customize coding. 
  • Responsive layout, flexible code conventions.
  • And many more…


In CodeIgniter, the basic is performance of web-applications deliver. Because; the entire time a very ‘hot pin’ behind the web-applications or websites is to get organic and relevant traffic.
CodeIgniter is customized framework built in PHP; it is very well to develop community, business and brand.

CodeIgniter have very small sized footprint to download easy with user guide, consumes less memory, result gives faster because of tiny library, compatibility with standard hosting, no restrictive coding formulas, give simple solutions over complexity.

We personally, give recommendation to beginners that use the CI because it having low learning curve due to understandable and easy code strategies. As I said CI is provide the tremendous user guide to sort out your query anytime. 

The CodeIgniter is simply gifted to PHP domain developers. They loved to use it to made customized web-applications. Get wonderful experience for your aspiration or customize imagination convert into real object or web applications.